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How to identify the species of Anaphyllum

The genus Anaphyllum is a very small genus with only two species. It is distributed in limited areas of India. The two species are clearly different and very easy to distinguish. I will explain how to identify them by their flowers and leaves.

 As for the inflorescence, when you encounter this plant in its natural habitat, it is rare to find it in bloom, but identification by its inflorescence is the easiest. The inflorescence of A. wightii is a spiral structure and is vertically long. The inflorescence of A. beddomei is similar to Spathiphyllum, having only a boat-shaped single bract.
 As for the leaves, identification is also not difficult. Please refer to the image above. The petioles of A. beddomei are larger at the point of attachment than those of A. wightii. A further distinguishing feature is the branching of the leaf veins. In A. wightii, the leaf veins do not branch within each leaf, while in A. beddomei, they do.