The Genus Anaphyllum
Anaphyllum is a genus belongs to Araceae that contains only 2 species in India. Grow in tropical evergreen forest in leaf litter and in swamp forest. Background : https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Anaphyllum_wightii_3.jpg
The genus Anaphyllum is a plant that lives in South India, belonging to araceae. There are not many studies on this genus, but in Anaphyllum wightii, one of the two species of the genus Anaphyllum, there is a study that has shown that the ingredients contained in the leaves may be effective for cancer. Because the amount of distribution to the market is not large, the cultivation method has not been established. The most characteristic is the swelling flower of Anaphyllum wightii. Anaphyllopsis, a closely related genus, has this feature. But the genus is distributed in South America.
HABIT: evergreen herbs, clump- or colony-forming, rhizome creeping. LEAVES: solitary to few. PETIOLE: smooth to tuberculate, geniculate apically, sheath short. BLADE: sagittate-hastate to pedatifid when juvenile, trisect at maturity, anterior division remotely pinnatisect with ± oblong-lanceolate, acute lobes, the upper ones decurrent, posterior divisions either ± oblong-lanceolate or deeply divided into 3 coherent segments, rachis geniculate at insertion of anterior and posterior divisions; basal ribs well-developed, primary lateral veins of ultimate lobes pinnate, running into marginal vein, higher order venation reticulate. INFLORESCENCE: solitary. PEDUNCLE: very long and slender, similar in colour and texture to petiole. SPATHE: membranous to coriaceous, marcescent, either convolute basally and becoming spirally twisted and long-acuminate apically, or oblong-ovate, ± flat and fully expanded. SPADIX: cylindric, much shorter than spathe, stipitate or sessile, flowering sequence basipetal. FLOWERS: bisexual, perigoniate, tepals 3–4, fornicate. STAMENS: 3–5, free, filaments fairly wide, connective slender, thecae ellipsoid, dehiscing by short, apical, pore-like slit. POLLEN: monosulcate, ellipsoid, medium-sized (mean 29 µm., range 25–33 µm.), exine foveolate to reticulate, sometimes with elevated psilate regions, apertural exine psilate. GYNOECIUM: ovary ovoid, 1-locular, ovule 1, hemianatropous, funicle short, placenta parietal on single intrusive septum, stylar region thick, attenuate, stigma subcapitate, exuding droplet at anthesis. BERRY: ovoid, smooth, red. SEED: ovoid, funicle slender, testa membranaceous, smooth, embryo stout, straight, endosperm absent.

Native in : Southeast India


Native to: South West India.
Tropical evergreen forest in leaf litter and in swamp forest undergrowth; geophytes rare.
Greek ana- (up, erect) and phyllon (leaf).
Two species belong to this genus. ❶Anaphyllum wightii
❷Anaphyllum beddomei