The Genus Amorphophallus
The genus Amorphophallus, also known as the genus of titan arum, comprises 237 species. These species exhibit various morphologies. For example, species like Amorphophallus barbatus have hairy appendices (mimicking dead mammals), while others like Amorphophallus titanum are gigantic, and some like Amorphophallus serrulatus are small. They mainly thrive in disturbed areas of Paleotropical secondary forests and primary forests, as well as limestone areas, ranging from West Africa to Polynesia. Many species generate heat when flowering, with the degree of heat production varying among species. Additionally, upon blooming, many species emit odors. These odors are diverse, ranging from mushroom, cheese, carrion, fruit, cow dung, fried fish, to carrot, among others.
Description1 Perennial herbs with subterranean, naked tubers. Tubers often depressed globose and large at maturity. Leaves solitary, or several as a result of leaf growth on accessory tubers; petiole cylindrical, solid, usually blotched or flamed, smooth to rough; blade tripartite, each of the 3 segments multifid with decurrent, erect to spreading leaflets (side lobes) which vary greatly in number; just like the tuber, the appertaining leaf becomes larger every year until an inflorescence is formed. Inflorescence solitary on the tuber, partly enveloped by a well-developed spathe; peduncle cylindrical, solid, usually blotched or flamed, smooth to rough; spathe seemingly funnel-shaped, tubular or campanulate, but on one side free and with overlapping margins, variously coloured and marked, withering and often falling off after anthesis; spadix female in lower part, becoming male in the upper part via a transitional zone, with a well-developed asexual part (appendix) at the top; flowers unisexual, lacking a perianth; female flowers with 1—4-celled ovary, style more or less absent to well-developed, stigma entire or lobed; male flowers with 1—6 stamens; anthers subsessile and 2-celled, dehiscent by an apical pore; male part and appendix of spadix fall off after anthesis, after which the female part elongates greatly. Fruit a 1—3-seeded, subglobose or elongated berry, usually red or orange, the upper ones maturing first.|— Amorphophallus konjac: tuber up to 30 cm in diameter and 20 cm long, weighing up to 10 kg, brown, seasonally producing numerous rhizomatous offsets; petiole up to 100 cm 8 cm, smooth or with scattered punctiform warts at the base, dirty whitish-pinkish with large dark green spots and smaller white dots; blade up to 2 m in diameter, highly dissected, rachises narrowly winged; leaflets elliptical, 3—10 cm 2—6 cm; peduncle up to 110 cm 5 cm; spathe 10—60 cm 10—55 cm, limb erect, undulate or folded longitudinally with spreading margins, outside dark purplish-brown with scattered blackish-green spots, inside dark brown, glossy; spadix 15—110 cm long; fruit unknown.|— Amorphophallus muelleri: tuber up to 28 cm in diameter, weighing up to 3 kg, dark brown outside, yellow inside, developing no seasonal offsets; petiole 40—180 cm 1—5 cm, smooth, green to brownish-green with numerous pale green spots; blade 75—200 cm in diameter, very dissected, carrying epiphyllar bulbils on the major ramifications; leaflets lanceolate, 10—35 cm 4—9 cm; peduncle 30—60 cm 0.5—3 cm; spathe 7.5—27 cm 6—27 cm, limb semi-erect or spreading, brownish-purple or greyish-green outside, inside purplish or brownish with greenish or brownish spots; spadix longer than spathe, 8—30 cm long; berry cylindrical to ovoid, 12—18 mm long, bright red, up to 1000 per infructescence, 2—3-seeded.|— Amorphophallus paeoniifolius: tuber up to 30 cm in diameter and 20 cm long, weighing up to 25 kg, dark brown, producing seasonal rhizomatous offsets up to 10 cm 4 cm; petiole up to 200 cm 20 cm, shallowly corrugate to strongly echinate-verrucate, pale to dark green with numerous pale blotches and small dark dots; blade up to 3 m in diameter, highly dissected, rachises winged; leaflets rounded-ovate to lanceolate, 3—35 cm 2—12 cm; peduncle 3—20 cm 1—8 cm, elongating to 1 m length in fruiting; spathe 10—40 cm 15—60 cm, limb spreading and strongly undulating, pale green to dark brown with paler spots outside, inside glossy dark brown; spadix shorter or longer than spathe, 7—70 cm long; berry cylindrical, 1.5—2 cm 8—10 mm, bright red.|— Amorphophallus variabilis: tuber up to 15 cm in diameter and 8 cm long, weighing up to 1.5 kg, white, producing seasonal rhizomatous, spindle-shaped offsets 1—1.5 cm long; sometimes 2 leaves are produced; petiole up to 120 cm 3.5 cm, smooth, pure green or variegated green-brown-green; blade up to 125 cm in diameter, rachises narrowly winged; leaflets elliptical to lanceolate, 4—34 cm 2—12 cm; peduncle 8—120 cm 0.4—3 cm; spathe 6—23 cm 5—20 cm, limb strongly reflexed at margin, green with black dots outside, creamy white to pale green or brown inside; spadix usually much longer than spathe, 9—58 cm long; berry orange-red, 1—3-seeded.

Native to: Andaman Is., Angola, Assam, Bangladesh, Benin, Borneo, Burkina, Burundi, Cabinda, Cambodia, Cameroon, Caprivi Strip, Central African Repu, Chad, China South-Central, China Southeast, Congo, East Himalaya, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Gulf of Guinea Is., Hainan, India, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jawa, Kenya, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaya, Mali, Maluku, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nansei-shoto, Nepal, New Guinea, Nicobar Is., Niger, Nigeria, Northern Territory, Philippines, Queensland, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Uganda, Vietnam, Western Australia, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe
Introduced into: China North-Central, Comoros, Cook Is., Fiji, Korea, Marquesas, New Caledonia, Niue, Samoa, Seychelles, Society Is., Tibet, Trinidad-Tobago, Vanuatun
Ecology2 tropical humid forest, seasonal forest, open woodlands; geophytes, sometimes in humus deposits on rocks (limestone), also in waste places or areas of human habitation (e.g. A. paeoniifolius).

Etymology3 Greek amorphos (deformed) and phallus (penis), referring to the spadix appendix (especially of A. paeoniifolius).

- Amorphophallus aberrans Hett.
- Amorphophallus abyssinicus (A.Rich.) N.E.Br.
- Amorphophallus adamsensis Magtoto, Mones, Ballada, Austria, R.M.Dizon, Alangui, Regina
- Amorphophallus albispathus Hett.
- Amorphophallus albus P.Y.Liu & J.F.Chen
- Amorphophallus allenii A.Galloway, Malkm.-Huss., Prehsler & Claudel
- Amorphophallus amygdaloides Hett. & Sizemore
- Amorphophallus andranogidroensis Hett. & Mangelsdorff
- Amorphophallus angolensis (Welw. ex Schott) N.E.Br.
- Amorphophallus angulatus Hett. & A.Vogel
- Amorphophallus angustispathus Hett.
- Amorphophallus ankarana Hett., Ittenbach & Bogner
- Amorphophallus annulifer Hett.
- Amorphophallus antsingyensis Bogner, Hett. & Ittenbach
- Amorphophallus aphyllus (Hook.) Hutch.
- Amorphophallus arcuspadix A.Galloway, Ongsakul & Petra Schmidt
- Amorphophallus ardii Yuzammi & Hett.
- Amorphophallus asper (Engl.) Engl. & Gehrm.
- Amorphophallus asterostigmatus Bogner & Hett.
- Amorphophallus atrorubens Hett. & Sizemore
- Amorphophallus atroviridis Hett.
- Amorphophallus bangkokensis Gagnep.
- Amorphophallus barbatus A.Galloway & Ongsakul
- Amorphophallus barthlottii Ittenb. & Lobin
- Amorphophallus baumannii (Engl.) N.E.Br.
- Amorphophallus beccarii Engl.
- Amorphophallus bequaertii De Wild.
- Amorphophallus bognerianus Sivad. & Jaleel
- Amorphophallus bolikhamxayensis A.Galloway, Ongsakul & Petra Schmidt
- Amorphophallus bonaccordensis Sivad. & N.Mohanan
- Amorphophallus borneensis (Engl.) Engl. & Gehrm.
- Amorphophallus boyceanus Hett.
- Amorphophallus brachyphyllus Hett.
- Amorphophallus brevipetiolatus A.Galloway, Ongsakul & Petra Schmidt
- Amorphophallus brevispathus Gagnep.
- Amorphophallus bubenensis J.T.Yin & Hett.
- Amorphophallus bufo Ridl.
- Amorphophallus bulbifer (Schott) Blume
- Amorphophallus calabaricus N.E.Br.
- Amorphophallus calcicola M.N.Tamayo, Magtoto & Sumalinog
- Amorphophallus canaliculatus Ittenb., Hett. & Lobin
- Amorphophallus candidissimus X.Gong & H.Li
- Amorphophallus carneus Ridl.
- Amorphophallus carnosus Engl.
- Amorphophallus caudatus R.Bustam., Mansibang, Hett. & M.N.Tamayo
- Amorphophallus chlorospathus Kurz ex Hook.f.
- Amorphophallus cicatricifer Hett.
- Amorphophallus cidarioides J.R.Callado, Medecilo & Hett.
- Amorphophallus cirrifer Stapf
- Amorphophallus claudelii A.Galloway & Ongsakul
- Amorphophallus coaetaneus S.Y.Liu & S.J.Wei
- Amorphophallus commutatus (Schott) Engl.
- Amorphophallus consimilis Blume
- Amorphophallus corrugatus N.E.Br.
- Amorphophallus costatus Hett.
- Amorphophallus coudercii (Bogner) Bogner
- Amorphophallus crinitus A.Galloway, Luu, Malkm.-Huss., Prehsler & Claudel
- Amorphophallus crispifolius A.Galloway, Ongsakul & Petra Schmidt
- Amorphophallus croatii Hett. & A.Galloway
- Amorphophallus cruddasianus Prain
- Amorphophallus curvistylis Hett.
- Amorphophallus declinatus Hett.
- Amorphophallus decus-silvae Backer & Alderw.
- Amorphophallus discophorus Backer & Alderw.
- Amorphophallus dracontioides (Engl.) N.E.Br.
- Amorphophallus dumboi Eb.Fisch., B.Dumbo & L.Dumbo
- Amorphophallus dunnii Tutcher
- Amorphophallus dzui Hett.
- Amorphophallus eburneus Bogner
- Amorphophallus echinatus Bogner & Mayo
- Amorphophallus eichleri (Engl.) Hook.f.
- Amorphophallus elatus Hook.f.
- Amorphophallus elegans Ridl.
- Amorphophallus elliottii Hook.f.
- Amorphophallus erythrororrhachis Hett., Pronk & R.Kaufmann
- Amorphophallus excentricus Hett.
- Amorphophallus fallax (Serebryanyi) Hett. & Claudel
- Amorphophallus ferruginosus A.Galloway
- Amorphophallus flammeus Calaramo, Batuyong, Bulawin & Alejandro
- Amorphophallus flotoi (S.Y.Hu) Govaerts
- Amorphophallus fontarumii Bulawin, Medecilo & Alejandro
- Amorphophallus forbesii (Engl.) Engl. & Gehrm.
- Amorphophallus fornicatus Hett., J.R.Callado & Wistuba
- Amorphophallus fuscus Hett.
- Amorphophallus galbra F.M.Bailey
- Amorphophallus gallaensis (Engl.) N.E.Br.
- Amorphophallus gallowayi Hett.
- Amorphophallus gigas Teijsm. & Binn.
- Amorphophallus glaucophyllus Hett. & Serebryanyi
- Amorphophallus gliruroides Engl.
- Amorphophallus glossophyllus Hett.
- Amorphophallus goetzei (Engl.) N.E.Br.
- Amorphophallus gomboczianus Pic.Serm.
- Amorphophallus gracilior Hutch.
- Amorphophallus gracilis Engl.
- Amorphophallus haematospadix Hook.f.
- Amorphophallus harmandii Engl. & Gehrm.
- Amorphophallus hayi Hett.
- Amorphophallus hemicryptus Hett. & J.F.Maxwell
- Amorphophallus henryi N.E.Br.
- Amorphophallus hetterscheidii Ittenb. & Lobin
- Amorphophallus hewittii Alderw.
- Amorphophallus hildebrandtii (Engl.) Engl. & Gehrm.
- Amorphophallus hirsutus Teijsm. & Binn.
- Amorphophallus hirtus N.E.Br.
- Amorphophallus hohenackeri (Schott) Engl. & Gehrm.
- Amorphophallus hottae Bogner & Hett.
- Amorphophallus impressus Ittenb.
- Amorphophallus incurvatus Alderw.
- Amorphophallus infundibuliformis Hett., A.Dearden & A.Vogel
- Amorphophallus interruptus Engl. & Gehrm.
- Amorphophallus johnsonii N.E.Br.
- Amorphophallus josefbogneri Hett.
- Amorphophallus julaihii Ipor, Tawan & P.C.Boyce
- Amorphophallus juliae P.C.Boyce & Hett.
- Amorphophallus kachinensis Engl. & Gehrm.
- Amorphophallus khammouanensis A.Galloway
- Amorphophallus kienluongensis V.D.Nguyen, Luu & Hett.
- Amorphophallus kiusianus (Makino) Makino
- Amorphophallus konjac K.Koch
- Amorphophallus konkanensis Hett., S.R.Yadav & K.S.Patil
- Amorphophallus koratensis Gagnep.
- Amorphophallus krausei Engl.
- Amorphophallus kuznetsovii (Serebryanyi) Hett. & Claudel
- Amorphophallus lacourii Linden & André
- Amorphophallus lambii Mayo & Widjaja
- Amorphophallus lanceolatus (Serebryanyi) Hett. & Claudel
- Amorphophallus lanuginosus Hett.
- Amorphophallus laoticus Hett.
- Amorphophallus lewallei Malaisse & Bamps
- Amorphophallus linearis Gagnep.
- Amorphophallus linguiformis Hett.
- Amorphophallus longicomus Hett. & Serebryanyi
- Amorphophallus longiconnectivus Bogner
- Amorphophallus longispathaceus Engl. & Gehrm.
- Amorphophallus longistylus Kurz ex Hook.f.
- Amorphophallus longituberosus (Engl.) Engl. & Gehrm.
- Amorphophallus lunatus Hett. & Sizemore
- Amorphophallus luzoniensis Merr.
- Amorphophallus lyratus (Roxb.) Kunth
- Amorphophallus macrophyllus (Gagnep. ex Serebryanyi) Hett. & Claudel
- Amorphophallus macrorhizus Craib
- Amorphophallus malkmus-husseinii A.Galloway, Prehsler & Claudel
- Amorphophallus mangelsdorffii Bogner
- Amorphophallus manta Hett. & Ittenbach
- Amorphophallus margaritifer (Roxb.) Kunth
- Amorphophallus margretae Ittenb.
- Amorphophallus maximus (Engl.) N.E.Br.
- Amorphophallus maxwellii Hett.
- Amorphophallus mayoi (Ittenb.) Eb.Fisch., B.Dumbo & L.Dumbo
- Amorphophallus mekongensis Engl. & Gehrm.
- Amorphophallus merrillii K.Krause
- Amorphophallus mildbraedii K.Krause
- Amorphophallus minimus R.Bustam., Claudel & M.N.Tamayo
- Amorphophallus minor Ridl.
- Amorphophallus mossambicensis (Schott ex Garcke) N.E.Br.
- Amorphophallus muelleri Blume
- Amorphophallus mullendersii Malaisse & Bamps
- Amorphophallus myosuroides Hett. & A.Galloway
- Amorphophallus mysorensis E.Barnes & C.E.C.Fisch.
- Amorphophallus napalensis (Wall.) Bogner & Mayo
- Amorphophallus napiger Gagnep.
- Amorphophallus natolii Hett., Wistuba, Amoroso, Medecilo & Claudel
- Amorphophallus niahensis P.C.Boyce & Hett.
- Amorphophallus nicolaii Hett.
- Amorphophallus nicolsonianus Sivadasan
- Amorphophallus obovoideus Alderw.
- Amorphophallus obscurus Hett. & Sizemore
- Amorphophallus ochroleucus Hett. & V.D.Nguyen
- Amorphophallus oncophyllus Prain ex Hook.f.
- Amorphophallus ongsakulii Hett. & A.Galloway
- Amorphophallus opalinus Serebryanyi & Hett.
- Amorphophallus operculatus Hett. & Sizemore
- Amorphophallus opertus Hett.
- Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson
- Amorphophallus palawanensis Bogner & Hett.
- Amorphophallus paucisectus Alderw.
- Amorphophallus pendulus Bogner & Mayo
- Amorphophallus perakensis Engl.
- Amorphophallus perrieri Hett. & Wahlert
- Amorphophallus pilosus Hett.
- Amorphophallus plicatus Bok & H.J.Lam
- Amorphophallus polyanthus Hett. & Sizemore
- Amorphophallus prainii Hook.f.
- Amorphophallus preussii (Engl.) N.E.Br.
- Amorphophallus prolificus Hett. & A.Galloway
- Amorphophallus pulchellus Hett. & Schuit.
- Amorphophallus purpurascens Kurz ex Hook.f.
- Amorphophallus pusillus Hett. & Serebryanyi
- Amorphophallus putii Gagnep.
- Amorphophallus pygmaeus Hett.
- Amorphophallus ranchanensis Ipor, A.Simon & Meekiong
- Amorphophallus ravenii V.D.Nguyen & Hett.
- Amorphophallus rayongii Hett. & Medecilo
- Amorphophallus reflexus Hett. & A.Galloway
- Amorphophallus rhizomatosus Hett.
- Amorphophallus richardsiae Ittenb.
- Amorphophallus rostratus Hett.
- Amorphophallus rugosus Hett. & A.Lamb
- Amorphophallus sagittarius Steenis
- Amorphophallus sakonnakhonensis Chatan & Promprom
- Amorphophallus salmoneus Hett.
- Amorphophallus saraburensis Gagnep.
- Amorphophallus saururus Hett.
- Amorphophallus scaber Serebryanyi & Hett.
- Amorphophallus schmidtiae Hett. & A.Galloway
- Amorphophallus scutatus Hett. & T.C.Chapm.
- Amorphophallus serrulatus Hett. & A.Galloway
- Amorphophallus shyamsalilianus J.V.Gadpay., Somkuwar & A.A.Chaturv.
- Amorphophallus sinuatus Hett. & V.D.Nguyen
- Amorphophallus sizemoreae Hett.
- Amorphophallus smithsonianus Sivadasan
- Amorphophallus sparsiflorus Hook.f.
- Amorphophallus spectabilis (Miq.) Engl.
- Amorphophallus staudtii (Engl.) N.E.Br.
- Amorphophallus stuhlmannii (Engl.) Engl. & Gehrm.
- Amorphophallus subcymbiformis Alderw.
- Amorphophallus sumawongii (Bogner) Bogner & Mayo
- Amorphophallus suwidjianus Ipor, Tawan & Meekiong
- Amorphophallus sylvaticus (Roxb.) Kunth
- Amorphophallus symonianus Hett. & Sizemore
- Amorphophallus synandrifer Hett. & V.D.Nguyen
- Amorphophallus taurostigma Ittenb., Hett. & Bogner
- Amorphophallus tenuispadix Hett.
- Amorphophallus tenuistylis Hett.
- Amorphophallus terrestris Hett. & Claudel
- Amorphophallus teuszii (Engl.) Mottet
- Amorphophallus thaiensis (S.Y.Hu) Hett.
- Amorphophallus tinekeae Hett. & A.Vogel
- Amorphophallus titanum (Becc.) Becc.
- Amorphophallus tonkinensis Engl. & Gehrm.
- Amorphophallus tuberculatus Hett. & V.D.Nguyen
- Amorphophallus umbrinus A.Galloway, Luu, Malkm.-Huss., Prehsler & Claudel
- Amorphophallus urceolatus Hett., A.Galloway & Medecilo
- Amorphophallus variabilis Blume
- Amorphophallus venustus Hett., A.Hay & Mood
- Amorphophallus verticillatus Hett.
- Amorphophallus villosus A.Galloway, Luu, Malkm.-Huss., Prehsler & Claudel
- Amorphophallus vogelianus Hett. & Billensteiner
- Amorphophallus wasa Naive, K.Z.Hein & Hett.
- Amorphophallus xiei H.Li & Z.L.Dao
- Amorphophallus yaoi A.Galloway, Hett. & Medecilo
- Amorphophallus yuloensis H.Li
- Amorphophallus yunnanensis Engl.
- Amorphophallus zenkeri (Engl.) N.E.Br.
First Description

In Italian: AROIDEAE. AMORPHOPIIALLUS Bl. in Batav. Diario 1825. —CANDARUM Reichenb. SPATHA basi convoluta.SPADIX supernè nudus et laevigatus ant granuloso-verrucosus, inferne continuo androgynus; organa rudiuientaria nulla. ANTHERAE sessiles, biloculares , in vertice biporosae. OVARIA libera, bi-raro tri-aut quadri-locularia. OVULA in loculis solitaria basi affixa erecta. STYLUS distinctus aut nullus. STIGMA capitato-indivisum vel emarginato-aut depresso-lobatum. BACCAE distinctae, mono -aut oligo – spermae. SEMEN exalbuminosum.
- Jansen, P.C.M. & Wilk, & Hetterscheid, Wilbert. (1996). Amorphophallus Blume ex Decaisne.. In: Plant Resources of South-East Asia 9. Plants yielding non-seed carbohydrates, M. Flach, F. Rumawas (eds.). Backhuys Publ., Leiden (1996) 45-50.. ↩︎
- Mayo, Simon & Bogner, Josef & Boyce, Peter. (1997). The Genera of Araceae. ↩︎
- Mayo, Simon & Bogner, Josef & Boyce, Peter. (1997). The Genera of Araceae. ↩︎